February 26, 1997 (2)

Hawaii Council Of Churches Issues Statement On Same Gender Marriage

The eight-page statement reviews the positions taken on the civil rights and/or marriage of gays and lesbians by the Presbyterian Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the United Methodist Church, the Episcopal Church in the United States, the United Church of Christ, the Buddhists, the Central Conference of American Rabbis (the Reform Movement in Judaism), and the Hawaiian tradition.

The statement concludes with the following resolutions, and then signatures of supporting parties:


    Therefore, be it resolved, that the undersigned oppose any constitutional amendment or other statute concerning same-gender
marriage which would offend the Bill of Rights or impose one religious vision of the spiritual and moral significance of marriage on everyone; and supports the full judicial resolution of Baehr v. Miike without legislative interference.

    Be it further resolved, that the undersigned oppose any governmental action that would impose a duty upon any faith community to solemnize marriages contrary to their religious and moral views.

    Be it further resolved, that while the undersigned recognize that there is great diversity in the faith community regarding the unique place of the religious and spiritual aspects of marriage, we call upon appropriate municipal, state and national legislative
bodies to approve measures giving gay and lesbian couples protection such as:  bereavement and family leave policies, health benefits, pension benefits, real estate transfer tax benefits, and commitments to mutual support enjoyed by non-gay married couples.

    Be it further resolved, that the undersigned invite all persons of faith, in the spirit of reconciliation, to experience the struggle
and joy of the journey toward openness and affirmation of all lesbian and gay persons.

                        Best Regards,

                        Tom Ramsey
                        Ex-Officio, Marriage Project - Hawaii Steering Committee
                        President, Friends of h.e.r.m.p

P.S.  Marriage Project - Hawaii is grateful to the many mainland contributors who helped us cut our bill with Dan Foley in half.  A special mahalo goes to Rev. Mel White, who worked wonders in spreading the word of our financial distress.

Dan is hard at work, with advice of Evan Wolfson of LLDEF, on the preparing responses to the state's appeal of the successful
Dec. 3 ruling by Circuit Court Judge Kevin Chang.  Yes, that means that our need for new funds continues.  Please be generous!

Contributions to Marriage Project - Hawaii (formerly h.e.r.m.p) are fully tax- deductible, and may be sent to
                    Marriage Project - Hawaii
                    PO Box 11690
                    Honolulu, HI 96828

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