November 13, 1997

Honolulu Star-Bulletin Reports On
"Save Traditional Marriage - '98"

The Honolulu afternoon daily, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, reported on the new PAC organized to oppose same-gender marriage (by promoting a proposed constitutional amendment in the November 1998 election).

The article lists the full membership of the PAC's steering committee.  It also describes their kick-off fundraiser with Dr. Stephen R. Covey ("Seven Habits" fame), which is intended to raise between $40,000 and $50,000.  The ultimate campaign will cost millions.

The full article can be read on the Star-Bulletin's web site

The shorter web address gives you the Star Bulletin's main page.  Past Star-Bulletin articles on same-gender marriage can be found at

This site might not be a complete archive.

                        Best Regards,

                        Tom Ramsey
                        Ex-officio, Marriage Project - Hawaii

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